Step 1. Correctly identify your plant.
Perennial plant up to 2 feet tall, grows in dense patches, poisonous to livestock.
Leaves pale green, sessile (attached directly to stem), numerous, narrow, and pointed at both ends, up to 2 inches long.
Snapdragon-like flowers are white to yellow, up to 1.5 inches long with spur-like appendage at base and hairy orange throat.
Photo credit: Michael Shepard, USDA Forest Service,; M. Randall, The Nature Conservancy,; Richard Old, XID services, Inc.,
Step 2. Choose your method.
Individual plants and small patches – hand pulled, repeat as needed.
Large patches – spray with an organic burn down herbicide, repeat throughout the growing season as needed.
Seed any large patches of bare ground with native seed to prevent future weeds.
Step 3. Repeat.
Yellow toadflax can reproduce by seeds and by horizontal rootstalks which send up new shoots.
To learn more about the biology of Yellow toadflax visit the web page below.