To sign up:

1) Select where your property is located

2) Select the items that meet your weed control goals and budget

3) Submit your form and you will receive a confirmation email detailing your plan details and price. Once we receive a reply that you agree to your plan, we will add you to our schedule

4) You will receive a scheduling email with your plan details 1 week prior to your treatment date. Treatments begin in June and depending on your plan, continue through August

5) We will invoice you after each treatment

  1. Where is your property located?

    Select the approximate location of the property to be treated so that we can estimate the correct travel charge in your pricing. Additional travel charges may apply depending on your location. We are able to serve properties within a 1.5 hour drive from Driggs, Idaho. If your location is not listed below, please click on “Teton Valley, ID”, enter your address, choose your plan level and we will email you a quote.